Feminist Formations invites proposals from scholars, practitioners, and activists who would like to edit a special issue or cluster. Through special issues and clusters, we continue our tradition of focusing in an interdisciplinary way on topics that are critical to the understanding of women, gender, feminism, and sexuality.
In order to promote exploration of various aspects of gendered lives, we welcome proposals in any area. Please keep in mind that each proposal will be evaluated in terms of its consonance with our mission. Our proposal process involves two steps.
Send an email to Patti Duncan explaining that you are interested in guest editing a special issue. Attach CVs for each of the proposed guest editors to the email as well as a brief statement of no more than two pages describing your intended topic. This statement will prompt dialogue with the editor and, if the proposal is determined potentially viable, it will be considered by the full editorial board.
If the board determines that your proposal is in line with the mission of Feminist Formations, you will be invited to engage in a second step in the process by constructing a more detailed description that encompasses the following parts:
- Proposed theme and rationale, including importance of this topic in the broader feminist community
- Potential outline of key topical areas
- Proposed call for papers and publicity plan for soliciting articles
- Description of peer review process, including potential reviewers
- Proposed timeline
- Description of editors’ qualifications in relation to the proposed volume
- List of co-editors with abbreviated curriculum vitae (3-5 pages for each editor, in addition to the 10 page proposal)
Questions should be addressed to Patti Duncan, Editor.
Please send your completed proposals to:
Feminist Formations
c/o Eric Warren