Feminist Formations and NWSA Paper Award




2024 Feminist Formations and NWSA Paper Award (NWSA Membership is required)

Deadline Extended!–Submissions due September 30, 2024

The Feminist Formations - NWSA Scholarly and Creative Work Competition is now open.

The Feminist Formations - National Women’s Studies Association annual competition selects one winner whose work is be published in Feminist Formations and who will also receive a cash award of $500. The competition is open to scholars at all ranks, including independent scholars and artists. Multiple modes of knowledge production will be considered, including but not limited to traditional scholarly articles, essays, poetry, and visual imagery. We are particularly interested in work that contributes to Black, Indigenous, and women of color feminisms; trans feminist studies; critical disability studies; and transnational feminisms. We also seek work that contributes to the journal’s mission to support “robust interdisciplinary, intersectional, and transnational feminist scholarship that can inspire incisive and politically meaningful analyses and action.”

Applicants must be current NWSA members. We cannot consider submissions that have been previously published or are currently being reviewed by other journals.

Please submit your manuscript through the Feminist Formations Submittable.

Feminist Formations is housed in the Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program at Oregon State University, and published three times a year by the John Hopkins University Press. For more information, visit www.feministformations.org

The National Women’s Studies Association (NWSA), established in 1977, is a professional organization dedicated to leading the field of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. For more information, visit www.nwsa.org

Please join us in celebrating last year's winner and honorable mentions!

The 2023 Feminist Formations and NWSA Paper Award winner: "Singing Feminist Ch'ixi+Art Music from las Rajaduras: Renata Flores, Isqun, and the Fractured Locus" written by Dr. Evelyn Autry. Dr. Evelyn Autry is a 2020-2021 American Council of Learned Societies Emerging Voices Fellow and a Presidential Postdoctoral Fellow in Race, Racism, and Inequality at the Department of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies (WGSS) at Rutgers University.

Honorable Mention: "Work on the Words: Black Diasporic Affect and Futurity in the Poetry of Black Biracial Daughters" written by Deja Beamon. Dr. Deja Beamon is Assistant Professor in Humanities and Social Sciences at University of Missouri-Kansas City.

Honorable Mention: “Ableist Ungendering: How Professional Sports Defines Womanhood through Anti-Blackness, Coloniality, and Disability" written by Sarah Orsak. Dr. Sarah Orsak is a Rising Scholar Postdoctoral Fellow of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at the University of Virginia.