Feminist Formations does not accept unsolicited book reviews or book review essays. Our Editor selects book reviews from experts in the field.
Download a sample book review. In writing a review for the Feminist Formations, please keep our guidelines in mind:
- Briefly describe and/or summarize the book(s) or film(s).
- Evaluate, but do not censure. If you think a book or film is truly awful, drop it from your review and let it die a quiet death.
- Explain the ways in which the works relate to other work on the subject.
Note the extent to which the authors address appropriate issues of race, class, and sexual orientation as well as gender. - Try to give reasonably equal attention to all books under review.
- Assess practical applications, especially teaching, in a wide range of feminist contexts.
- Please write in a language and style accessible to a diverse feminist readership, avoiding jargon, technical terms, and references that would be unfamiliar to those outside specific disciplines.
- Reviews must be typed in Microsoft Word and doubled spaced with unjustified right margin. Please be sure to precede the review with double-spaced citation(s) in the following format:
Domestic Contradictions: Race and Gendered Citizenship from Reconstruction to Welfare Reform by Priya Kandaswamy. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2021, 248 pp., hardcover $99.95, $25.95 paper.
- Prices can be found by searching online for the list price at Amazon.com.
- Please do not exceed your allotted word length (one book – up to 1,500 words; two books – up to 2,250 words, and 750 words for each successive book). Reviews that exceed the allotted length will, most likely, have to be shortened.
- Along with your review, please submit a short autobiography. Include your position and institutional affiliation (if any), research interests and/or one or two key publications, and e-mail address. Unless you say otherwise, we will print your e-mail address at the end of your autobiography and invite readers to send correspondence to you.
For more information, please contact feministformations@oregonstate.edu. We cannot consider submissions that have been previously published or are currently being reviewed by other journals.