Queer Studies in Feminist Formations: A Symposium
September 30th and October 1st, 2016
Coffman Memorial Union
University of Minnesota
Please join us for a two-day symposium celebrating the launch of the Feminist
Formations dossier on Annamarie Jagose’s book, Orgasmology.
Schedule of Events:
1:30pm – 3:00pm
“A Feminist Formations Conversation: On the Orgasmology Dossier” with Robyn Wiegman, Annamarie Jagose, Kadji Amin, and Sandra K. Soto
Coffman Theater
3:00pm – 3:45pm
Coffman Theater Annex
4:00pm – 5:30pm
Keynote Address:
Annamarie Jagose, “Animal Attachments”
President’s Room
5:30pm – 7:00pm
Cocktail Reception
Campus Club
10:00am – 12:00pm
President’s Room
Panel: “Queering Imperial Attachments”
• Kadji Amin, “Genet, Palestine, and the Political Ideal of Queer Coalition”
• Kalé Fajardo, “Pics, Pin@ys and Proximities: Throwback to Dorothea Lange’s TransPacific Photography”
• Erin Durban-Albrecht, “breaking open & stitching together(:) trans* narratives of Haiti”
• Katy Mohrman, “A ‘Peculiar Race’ with ‘Peculiar Institutions’: Imperial Domesticity and ‘The Mormon Question’”
12:00pm – 1:00pm
President’s Room
1:00pm – 2:30pm
Keynote Address: Robyn Wiegman, “Kara Walker’s Racial Sensations”
President’s Room
2:30pm – 3:00pm
Closing Remarks by Sandra K. Soto
Participant Bios
Kadji Amin is Assistant Professor of Queer Studies, Department of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality
Studies at Stony Brook University. He was a Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in “Sex” at the University of
Pennsylvania Humanities Forum (2015-16) and a Faculty Fellow at the Humanities Institute at Stony
Brook (2015). His book, Disturbing Attachments: Genet, Pederasty, and Queer History, is under contract
with the Theory Q Series at Duke University Press.
Erin L. Durban-Albrecht is former managing editor of Feminist Formations and currently Assistant
Professor of Women’s and Gender Studies and Cultural Anthropology at Illinois State University.
Durban-Albrecht’s scholarship is about the gender and sexual politics of U.S. imperialism in Haiti.
Kale Bantigue Fajardo is Associate Professor of American Studies and Asian American Studies at the
University of Minnesota. Fajardo’s first book, Filipino Crosscurrents: Oceanographies of Seafaring,
Masculinities and Globalization is an interdisciplinary ethnography that analyzes the cultural politics of
Filipino migrant and maritime masculinities in the local/global shipping industry, in the context of
local/global neoliberal capitalism.
Annamarie Jagose is Professor and Head the school of Literature, Art and Media in the Faculty of Arts
and Social Sciences at the University of Sydney. Internationally known as a scholar in feminist studies,
lesbian/gay studies and queer theory, she is the author of four monographs, most recently Orgasmology,
which takes orgasm as its scholarly object in order to think queerly about questions of politics and
pleasure; practice and subjectivity; agency and ethics. She is also an award-winning novelist and short
story writer.
Sandra K. Soto is Associate Professor of Gender & Women’s Studies at the University of Arizona. Her
research and teaching interests include Chican@ and Latin@ literary and cultural studies; feminist and
queer theory, transnational feminist studies, and critical race studies. She is currently holds a Winton
Chair in the Liberal Arts at the University of Minnesota where she is Visiting Professor in the Department
of American Studies and Chicana/o and Latina/o Studies. She’s the author of Reading Chican@ Like a
Queer: The De-Mastery of Desire (2010) and was editor of Feminist Formations from 2011-2016.
Robyn Wiegman is Professor of Literature and Women’s Studies at Duke University, where she teaches
courses in feminist and queer theory, U.S. Studies, and critical race studies. She is the author of Object
Lessons (2012) and American Anatomies: Theorizing Race and Gender (1995), and has edited numerous
anthologies that focus on the institutional and political formation of identity knowledges, including The
Futures of American Studies (2002); Women’s Studies on Its Own (2002); and Feminism Beside Itself
(1995). Her current work includes Arguments Worth Having, which locates points of critical tension and
dissension in contemporary encounters between feminist and queer theory, and Racial Sensations, a study
that considers the affective politics of race thinking.
This event is co-sponsored by Feminist Formations, the University of Minnesota Winton Chair
in the Liberal Arts, Steven J. Schochet Endowment for GLBT Studies and Campus Life, Graduate
Interdisciplinary Group in Sexuality Studies, and Department of Gender, Women’s and Sexuality Studies.